Mother Earth
Mother Earth
Mother Earth

Mother Earth

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Ur Na is the sanskrit word meaning for the earth. It is the name of a collection by renowned rug designer Zoë Luyendijk inspired by sailing trips along Canada’s pacific northwest coast, watching the landscape move slowly by, exploring islands, coastal waters, mountains and forests.

‘Finding a place untethered, unbound, unworried, unhurried. At peace with the tides. Elements meet and many possibilities occur. The Ur Na collection somehow brings this sense, home to our busy lives.’ Zoë Luyendijk.

The complex blend of colour gradation and natural materials create her signature multi-layered efects. Ur Na yields unexpected discoveries which elevates these rugs from the prosaic world of practical floor coverings to works of art that play with light and shadow. Of exceptional quality, each celebrates the individual creative spirit and the wildness of nature.

Explore the Ur Na and Ur Na 2 collections.